Big Goals, Small Steps...

Big Goals, Small Steps, and Lessons Along the Way

I’m training for an event called Rim2Rim, where I’ll hike down the South rim of the Grand Canyon, across the bottom, and up to the top of the North rim for a total of 22 miles, with an elevation gain that I cannot even fathom. As a sweet little treat, there’s a 2 mile walk to the parking lot at the end. Believe me, I’m counting those last two miles too!

The confidence gained in the ability to do hard things translates into every area of life. The sense of accomplishment, self-trust developed, relationships, and lessons learned along the way are priceless.

In preparing for these big goals, I’ve noticed some lessons that apply to all big goals. No matter the goal you’re going after right now, keep reading! I hope you’ll find encouragement, motivation, and camaraderie as you tackle your own big goal.

Once you’ve set your goal, broken it down into smaller steps, and begin taking action towards accomplishing it, keep these lessons in mind.

People along the way

You will cross paths with other people along the way, but don’t compare yourself to anyone. You know where you’re going, and it could be farther, steeper, and more challenging, therefore, your pace could be slower than someone else’s. Stay focused on your goal, and stick to your pace.

Enjoy the journey

Don’t forget to enjoy the view, notice the small things and be grateful.


When you mention training for an endurance event, or going after your big goal, usually people who haven’t done something similar, respond with “that sounds crazy!” Hopefully, family, friends, and acquaintances will cheer for you, support you and wish you the best. However, finding a community of people who have done or are pursuing similar goals, will help you in unimaginable ways. You can find camaraderie, troubleshooting advice, and words of encouragement when you’re struggling. Networking groups, running clubs and personal trainers are a few ideas of ways to find your community and/or provide additional support in reaching your goals.    

Prepare to be alone

Even with a community, you’ll discover a lot of the work is done alone. When you’re taking those small steps in the beginning, at the bottom of the path where it’s flat and less challenging, there are more people. The further along you get and the longer, harder and steeper the path gets, you will encounter fewer people. You may work/train late nights, early mornings and long hours. You might be alone. A lot. But, being alone is not the same as being lonely. Remember your goal and why you’re doing this. It will be hard, but it will be worth it.

Going beyond your comfort zone

Change and pushing out of your comfort zone will be uncomfortable. So don’t deal with additional unnecessary discomfort. Plan ahead to make sure you have what you need to begin working toward your goal. Using hiking as an example, making sure you have the correct shoes, hydration pack, nutrition, and hiking poles and so forth will make the uncomfortable miles a little less uncomfortable. Find out what you need to make the path to you goals a little easier.

Take care of yourself

When you’re pursuing personal growth and big goals, its especially important to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Find a way to relax, like getting a massage, going for a drive and listening to your favorite songs, find a quiet place to enjoy your favorite treat. Refuel by spending time in nature or visiting an encouraging friend, maybe in nature! Stay hydrated by drinking enough water and eat healthy foods that give you energy. Self-care comes in many forms, these are just a few ideas.

What about you? Are you pursuing your big goal? If so, what have you learned along the way? I’d love to hear from you!



I Cleaned My Teenager's Room. *Gasp*


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