Morning Motivation
Sometimes it’s difficult to believe in yourself. You can get stuck in the season you’re in and forget how strong and capable you actually are. That’s when you could use a little reminder of what you’ve been through, what you’ve achieved, and that you can get through this too.
Sometimes it’s difficult to believe in yourself. You can get stuck in the season you’re in and forget how strong and capable you actually are. That’s when you could use a little reminder of what you’ve been through, what you’ve achieved, and that you can get through this too.
A friend shared something with me a while back that he called his morning motivation, and it’s perfect for times like this when you feel stuck, helpless, and hopeless.
Take some time to reflect on your mind, body, and spirit. Remember what you’ve overcome. Remember what motivates you, what inspires you, what makes you feel alive and thankful.
Write it all down and read it everyday if you want.
I’m sharing mine below. Use it as an example and get to work writing yours. Tag me on Instagram to let me know you’ve done it and let me know how it’s helping you.
You’ve got this! I believe in you!
I am strong, positive, and motivated. I notice and enjoy the beauty in everyday and in every detail. I am thankful and grateful for my life, my family, my friends, and my ability to work for the lifestyle I want and need. I get it done! I set goals, plans, and dreams and I work hard to achieve them.
I nourish my mind by seeking knowledge and understanding. I stay sharp by talking to other motivated individuals who inspire me.
I am strong. My body is capable of doing amazing things and gives me the ability to keep up with my daughter, family and friends. It allows me to work in a physically demanding business to support myself and my family. I nourish my body with healthy food, exercise, water, and rest to stay healthy.
I have been though dark, evil, and terrifying trauma in my life, and I have emerged with a spirit of extreme strength. I have a spark, a light, and an energy that shines and I hope it gives positivity and motivation to everyone I meet.
Having been through hell and knowing the strength and determination it takes to climb out, I have little tolerance for mediocrity and excuses. I surround myself with positive, motivated people who strengthen me instead of drain me. I truly believe the saying, “if you don’t like where you are, move. You are not a tree.”